How much do you know about your wife’s health?

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Perfect Man Quiz

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1) In the last 1 year which of these tests has your (mother/wife) Taken?

a) Vitamins, Minerals and Iron Test

b) Blood Health Tests

c) Cholestrol/Diabetes Tests

d) Annual gynaecology Check Up

e) Routine Urine Check up

f) Bone and Joint health check up

g) A dental check up

h) Eye Check up

i) DR VISIT -  general health check up

2) Does she suffer from any of the following?

a) Severe Skin related problems

b) Severe Hair related problems

c) Vitamins/Iron/Minerals deficiency

d) Cholestrol/Diabetes

e) Bone and Joint related issues

f) Any Gynaecological Issue

g) Blood Pressure/Heart related

h) Any Other ailment

3) Is she taking medicines for any of the following treatments?

a) Severe Skin related problems

b) Severe Hair related problems

c) Vitamins/Iron/Minerals deficiency

d) Cholestrol/Diabetes

e) Any Gynaecological issue

f) Bones and Joints related issues

g) Blood Pressure/Heart related

h) Any Other ailment

The average score is 36%