Wondering if you might be pregnant? A pregnancy test will give you the definitive answer, but even before you miss your period, you may have a feeling that you’re expecting. Learn about the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. As your body undergoes numerous transformations to nurture a new life, the nine-month journey will be full of excitement, new developments, and some anxiety. So here is month-by-month guide to your baby’s growth and the changes you can expect in your body throughout pregnancy.
1st Month of Pregnancy
In the 1st month of pregnancy symptoms, your body begins to adjust to the hormonal changes. So you may not notice symptoms immediately unless you take a pregnancy test or miss your period. In the early weeks of pregnancy, you might feel unusually fatigued, find yourself needing to urinate more frequently, and experience morning sickness.
- Fatigue – It is normal to feel tired and exhausted. It is your body’s way of telling you to slow down.
- Frequent urination – Hormonal changes may increase blood flow to pelvic area putting pressure on kidneys.
- Implantation bleeding – Implantation bleeding occurs as a light spotting or bleeding. It happens 10-14 days after conception.
- Placenta Formation – The placenta begins to form after a fertilized egg implants in the uterus.
2nd Month of Pregnancy
In the 2nd second month of pregnancy symptoms become more noticeable as hormone levels rise, and this is when many women realize they are expecting. Your body is quickly adapting to support the growing embryo. Common discomforts like breast tenderness, frequent urination, heartburn, fatigue, and increased nausea or vomiting typically intensify. This is a crucial stage as the baby’s major organs begin to form, marking significant early development.
- Nausea continues
- Breast Changes – Breasts may feel sore, tender, swollen and more sensitive
- Nipple Growth – Nipples may grow and become more defined
- Heart Rate – Heart rate increases 10-20 beats per minute to pump more blood.
- Frequent Urination – Uterus pressing the bladder cause more bathroom visits.
- Food cravings and aversions – Strong likes and dislikes for particular foods occur.
- Mood swings – Hormonal fluctuations can lead to mood swings
- Bloating and gas – Increased progesterone slows digestion, leading to bloating and gas
- Constipation – Hormonal changes relax muscles of the digestive tract, often leading to constipation.
- Mild cramping and spotting – Light spotting may occur due to implantation.
3rd Month of Pregnancy
It is in the 3rd month of pregnancy symptoms when an embryo becomes a foetus. It is a period of rapid growth and development. Many of the pregnancy symptoms of the first 2 months continue – and sometimes worsen – during this month. Your breasts continue growing and changing. The area around your nipple – the areola – may grow larger and darker. Additionally, you might experience increased fatigue and nausea as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes. This month is crucial as your baby’s major organs and systems begin to form.
- Morning Sickness – Morning sickness may continue or even worsen, although for some women, it begins to ease toward the end of the month.
- Fatigue – Fatigue often persists
- Mood Swings – You may experience noticeable mood swings due to fluctuating hormones.
- Breast Changes – Breast tenderness and enlargement are common as the body prepares for breastfeeding.
- Headaches – Some women may experience headaches, dizziness, or lightheadedness as blood pressure adjusts.
- Food likes and dislikes – Food cravings or aversions often increase
- Heartburn and Indigestion – It may caused by hormonal changes and the growing baby pushing against your stomach.
- Baby bump – Your uterus is growing, and you may notice a slight baby bump beginning to form.
4th Month of Pregnancy
In the 4th month of pregnancy symptoms, you are now entering your second trimester. Many women consider it the best phase of their pregnancy. Morning sickness is reducing, and you may experience a radiant pregnancy glow. However, your uterus is growing by the day and it is getting a bit cramped in the abdomen. You could experience many physical and emotional changes.
- Nausea – Nausea and vomiting decrease
- Nasal Congestion – You may have runny nose, sneezing and postnasal drip.
- Constipation – Constipation and heartburn are common gastrointestinal complaints during pregnancy
- Uterus – The uterus and breasts continue to grow.
- Miscarriage – Risk of miscarriage decreases significantly this month
- Pregnancy Bliss – You start to enjoy your pregnancy
5th Month of Pregnancy
The 5th month of pregnancy symptoms, spanning weeks 17 to 20, marks the halfway point of your journey and brings exciting milestones for both you and your baby. By now, your growing belly is more noticeable, and the most thrilling part is feeling your baby’s first real kicks. However, new discomforts like backaches and swelling in your legs and feet (edema) may start to appear. As your baby continues to grow rapidly, it’s crucial to focus on proper nutrition, a healthy diet, and self-care.
- Breasts – Breasts grow and become heavier, and you may need a more supportive bra.
- Uterus – Uterus grows and presses on other organs.
- Stretch marks – Stretch marks begin to appear causing itching and stretching.
- Water retention – Foot and ankle swelling occur due to changing hormones.
- Foetal Movement – You can expect to feel your baby for the first time.

6th Month of Pregnancy
By the 6th month of pregnancy symptoms, your growing baby adds significant weight, making it harder to stay on your feet for extended periods. You may need to rest more often, and finding a comfortable sleeping position can become a challenge due to your expanding belly. Itchy skin from stretch marks may also be distracting. Despite these discomforts, it’s important to prioritize rest and relaxation, giving your body the care it needs during this stage.
- Utreus – The uterus continues to grow and is now situated midway between you navel and breasts.
- Breasts – Breasts may have increased up to three times their normal size and the areolas are increasingly larger and darker.
- Shortness of breath – Breathing becomes difficult as your enlarging uterus takes up more space, putting pressure on your diaphragm.
- Back Pain – Back pain is common at this time. You gain weight. Your centre of gravity changes.
7th Month of Pregnancy
The 7th month of pregnancy symptoms marks the beginning of the third and final trimester. As your uterus continues to expand, you may start to feel the weight of your growing baby more significantly. The baby becomes more active, with noticeable kicks and movements. Symptoms from earlier months, such as breast changes, dizziness, heartburn, and constipation, may persist. Back pain is also common. Your hormones can make you feel more sensitive, leading to emotional highs and lows during this time.
- Utreus – Your baby is growing quickly. The uterus will continue to expand throughout the third trimester.
- Abdominal Pain – Stomach pain in the third trimester could occur due to gas, constipation, and Braxton-Hicks contractions (false labor).
- Sleep Discomfort – Sleep discomfort increases due to growing belly, foetal movement, hormonal changes
- Leg Cramps – Occur due to changes in blood circulation and pressure on leg muscles because of increased weight.
8th Month of Pregnancy
The 8th month of pregnancy symptoms can be challenging. As your due date approaches, you may feel a mix of joy and apprehension. Your fatigue may get worse, and breathing can become more difficult as your uterus expands. Varicose veins may worsen, and you might experience increased urination, bloating, and back pain. Heightened emotions are also common during this time. Despite these challenges, the excitement of welcoming your baby keeps you focused.
- Shortness of breath and back pain – increase
- Abdomen – As the baby grows, the abdomen feels tight and heavy with your uterus taking up more space in the abdomen.
- Fetus – fills all the space in your uterus and will begin to drop into a head-down position.
- Hips pain – The hips support the body during pregnancy. Pain occurs due to hormonal changes, changes in posture, weight gain,
- Uterine Contractions – may experience irregular contractions called Braxton Hicks contractions.
- Cervix – The cervix begins to stretch and feel firm.
9th Month of Pregnancy
In the 9th month of pregnancy symptoms, you’re nearing the end of your journey and may feel heavy and a bit uncomfortable as your body prepares for the big day. Your baby is fully developed and often shifts into position, usually with their head facing down towards the birth canal. You might experience more Braxton Hicks contractions as your body readies itself for labor, and the feeling of tiredness and heaviness can increase. Finding a comfortable sleeping position can be challenging, and swelling in your feet and hands may become more noticeable. Yet, despite the discomfort, you’re filled with excitement about the upcoming delivery and ready to welcome your little one into the world.
- Weight gain – Your baby is fully developed. You may have gained 11-16 kgs.
- Stretch Marks – The expanding uterus can cause stretch marks on the stomach, thighs and breasts.
- Colostrum – Colostrum is the first milk produced by the breasts in preparation for your baby.
- Fatigue – Feeling tiredness and heaviness increases
- Anxiety – Concerns about labor, delivery, health of baby increases anxiety significantly.
- Signs of Labor – You may experience frequent urination, pelvic pressure, leg cramps, and increased swelling. The cervix begins to dilate, and strong, regular contractions become more frequent. Your water might break, followed by increased pain, along with a “bloody show” as the mucus plug is released. You may experience an urge to rest as your body readies itself for labor and birth.
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